The 2025 2L Summer Associate Program is now accepting applications. Please visit our 2L opportunities page for more information.

We will review applications, conduct interviews, and extend offers on a rolling basis. We encourage all interested rising 2L law students to apply directly through our website, even if we are participating in campus interview programs at their law school.


As a Perkins Coie Summer Associate, you get to:


Work - Hands-on legal experience. 

Learn - Mentored by partners and associates, training and feedback. 

Have Fun - Social events and networking opportunities. 


 Explore Opportunities:


1L Opportunities >


2L Opportunities >


 Work Assignments

Summer associates work on a wide range of challenging legal assignments similar to those given to new associates, including legal research, analysis and drafting.

At Perkins Coie, our summer associates can look forward to the freedom of selecting work assignments in different practice areas available at each office location. Assignments include (but are not limited to) projects related to the following practice areas:

  • Business Litigation
  • Corporate and Securities
  • Intellectual Property
  • Privacy and Data Security
  • Product Liability
  • Real Estate and Land Use
  • Technology Transaction & Privacy
  • Trademark, Copyright, Internet & Advertising 


 Summer "Trackers"

Attorney "trackers" coordinate work assignments and monitor the type, quality and amount each summer associate receives. Summer associates are also encouraged to seek out assignments directly from senior associates and partners.

Supervising attorneys provide informal feedback to summer associates after each assignment, and they submit written, formal evaluations to the office hiring committee. The formal evaluations become part of each summer associate's mid-summer and final evaluations.

Professional Development

Summer associates are commonly invited to attend depositions, mediations, deal closings, client meetings, trials, and other professional activities and events. They have the opportunity for both informal and formal training. Formal training includes monthly CLE programs on specific practice area topics. Summer associates can also accompany attorneys to networking events, court hearings, real estate and corporate transaction closings and client meetings. Finally, summer associates are assigned mentors who ensure their integration to the firm, answer their many questions and generally guide their progress and development throughout the summer.

Pro Bono Involvement

Summer associates can work on pro bono matters. At the beginning of every summer, a local legal aid organization presents an in-office training program and then pairs interested summer associates with firm attorneys to work on available pro bono cases.


Summer associates are invited to attorney affinity group meetings, including our attorneys of color, women, LGBTQ+ and parents groups, as well as to diversity events and dinners sponsored by the firm. For a list of past events sponsored by the firm, please visit our Diversity Sponsorships page.


Our local Green Committee collaborates with the firmwide committee to develop and implement sustainability practices for the office and for individuals. In addition to paper, plastic, metal and glass recycling, we also offer battery, cell phone and used office supply recycling. The office offers incentives to those who choose to ride public transportation and encourages employees to participate in community events like "Bike to Work Week."